This is a submision to the Intersellar Garden game jam with the theme retro.  My interpretation of the theme was retroactive meaning "taking effect from the past" so more specifically to this game your past moves will interfear with your current moves.

Retroactive Train Builder is a Puzzle game where the objective is to link the two stations together. However, you can only add a new piece when all the other pieces are linked together.  (Pieces glow yellow when liked together) 

Pieces are only considered linked together is connected to the first station or the station with the train.

Some terrain is more rugged than others so be mindful the rail piece can handle the terrain. (Red rail means too rugged)

Rail pieces can be upgraded by stacking identical pieces on top of each other. However, pieces can only be upgraded once and upgrades can't be reversed. 

Light Pieces can go on Grass (light green) and Sand (Yellow) tiles. 

Dark Pieces (The upgraded piece) can go on the same terrain as the Light Pieces as well as on Forrest (Dark Green) tiles.

Rember the theme is Retroactive, so expect to have to retroactivly change everything each new piece you get.


  • left click to select a piece 
  • left click to place a piece
  • move mouse to move selected piece
  • place piece on identical piece to upgrade the rail piece
  • escape to pause
  • left click + drag to move camera around
  • scroll to zoom in and out



This game can be difficult to udjust to and get your head around at first. So, I've added a few hints if you get stuck.

Level 1 Hint 1

Try connectecting pieces to the right end of the rail before connecting the piece to the left, this is for all new pieces. 

Level 1 Hint 2

Only 1 piece needs to be upgraded to be able to solve the level. 

Level 2 Hint

This level is beatable without upgrading any pieces. 

Level 3 Hint

Delay upgrading pieces for as long as possibe. 

Level 4 Hint

There are no permanent wrong moves in this level, so don't be affraid to try weird things. 


Download 31 MB


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(1 edit)

Train Conductor World Map! 

Just curious, how do you ensure the player can't make themselves stuck (by merging a piece)?

Otherwise, excellent taste.

(1 edit)

Yeah it was inspired by that game, good pick. 

I was meant to add a feature to downgrade pieces but since it was made in a game jam I unfortunately ran out of time, but if you are in a position where it is impossible to continue you can restart the level.